Thursday, January 5, 2017

Yemaya Blessing of the Waters Event

For the last ten years, around the first full moon of the year, I have lead a special beach side devotional rite in order to  Yemaya (also spelt Yemoja and Iemoja), the Yorùbá Orisha or Goddess of the living ocean around.  This year is no different.

On Thursday, 12th January I invite you to join me in this informal rite that will be held at Grange Beach where we will be asking Yemaya to bless the world's waterways, seas creations and all other beings that fall under Her protection.

Around 8.00pm we will be gathering on the grassed area along the forefront in front of the Grange Hotel (look for the purple banner) before heading down to the shore at 8.15pm.  The rite will commence around 8:30pm.

Participants are invited to make their own personal petitions to Yemaya with respect to issues involving fertility, travel by ocean, protection from enemies, healing, love and marriage, blessings, and also for the development of intuition and psychic gifts.

Offerings will be made by the way for throwing flowers, (preferably white), crystals (blue chalcedony and aquamarine), beach stones and shells into the ocean, as well as silver (white metal) coins.  The Orisha is also known to enjoy champagne.

There will be libations of watermelon (Yemaya's favourite food) available for anyone wishing to participate.

Children are welcome to attend but must be supervised by their parents and/or guardians.

While this event is free, a gold coin donation would be appreciated to help cover the cost of expenses.

More information about Yemaya can be found here.

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"Dancing the Sacred Wheel" now available again

"Dancing the Sacred Wheel" now available again
The second edition of "Dancing the Sacred Wheel: A Journey through the Southern Sabbats" is now available through or direct from the author (Australian customers only) for an autographed copy.

Great Goddess Isis

Great Goddess Isis

Exhortation of Isis

You are She in the dust of whose feet is the hosts of Heaven,
Whose body encircles the Universe,
Who turns the Earth in its orb,
Who gives light to the Sun,
Who rules the World.

You tread death underfoot.
To Thee, the stars are responsive,
To Thee the seasons turn and the Gods rejoice
And the elements are in subjugation.

You are She that is the natural Mother of all things,
Mistress and governor of all elements,
The initial progeny of worlds,
Chief of Divine powers,
Queen of Heaven,
Principle of all the Gods celestial and the light of Goddesses.

At Your will are disposed the planets of the air,
The wholesome winds of the seas
And the silences of the unseen world.